Home -> Craiova Transport -> Search

You've looked for: Trams in Craiova.
Found 68 results; displaying from 36 to 55. See also [1..20] [21..40] ... [56..68]. Pictures per row: [2] [3] [4] [5]
Picture donated by: Terry Lawson
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Dresden
Tram Tatra T4 on line 100
April 18, 2009
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Rotterdam
Tram SGP on line 102
March 16, 2007
(other 2 pics with 651)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Rotterdam
Tram SGP on line 100
March 16, 2007
(other 4 pics with 652)
Picture donated by: Catalin Ghita
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Rotterdam
Tram SGP on line 100
March 27, 2008
(other 3 pics with 653)
Picture donated by: Terry Lawson
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Rotterdam
Tram SGP on line 100
April 17, 2009
(other 7 pics with 654)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Rotterdam
Tram SGP on line 100
April 27, 2007
(other 2 pics with 655)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Rotterdam
Tram SGP on line 102
April 27, 2007
(other 3 pics with 657)
Picture donated by: Celestin Draganescu & Dragos Anoaica
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Rotterdam
Tram SGP on line 100
July 4, 2006
(other pic with 658)
Picture donated by: Catalin Ghita
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Rotterdam
Tram SGP on line 100
March 27, 2008
(other 2 pics with 659)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Rotterdam
Tram SGP on line 100
April 27, 2007
(other 2 pics with 660)
Picture donated by: Dragos Anoaica
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Munich
Tram Rathgeber on line 101
February 9, 2007
Picture donated by: Dragos Anoaica
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Munich
Tram Rathgeber on line 101
February 9, 2007
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

661 and 0661
comes from: Munich
Tram Rathgeber on line 100
March 16, 2007
Picture donated by: Catalin Ghita
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Munich
Tram Rathgeber on line Dp
October 24, 2007
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Munich
Tram Rathgeber on line 100
April 27, 2007
(other 3 pics with 662)
Picture donated by: Catalin Ghita
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Munich
Tram Rathgeber on line Dp
October 24, 2007
(other 2 pics with 0663)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Munich
Tram Rathgeber on line 100
March 16, 2007
(other 2 pics with 663)
Picture donated by: Dragos Anoaica
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Munich
Tram Rathgeber on line 101
February 9, 2007
(other pic with 0664)
Picture donated by: Catalin Ghita
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

comes from: Munich
Tram Rathgeber on line Dp
March 27, 2008
(other 2 pics with 664)
[640] [800] [1024] [1280] [original]

664 and 0664
comes from: Munich
Tram Rathgeber on line 100
March 16, 2007